
Back to school!

On August 22nd thousands of children and teachers will return to school to start a new school year. Each year brings its own challenges and new beginnings. For many children this is their first year while for others this is the last one before going to higher education. Books and materials are brand new and appealing with their colours and innovations. Children sometimes wonder what their teachers will be like or if there’s going to be someone new in the class. Parents also set big expectations on their children, the teachers and the school. This is a good opportunity to set some goals for this coming school year. We want to help you start setting your goals. Follow the next steps and use this as a first day activity:  

-          Make a list of things you want to achieve this school year especially in the language class, for example, join a study club, have more organized notes, learn more vocabulary words, or the like.

-          Pick the 5 you’d like more to achieve.

-          Write them including the steps you will take to achieve them.

-          Don’t forget to mention the people who will be involved with you, for example, teachers, classmates, parents, etc.

-          Share with your classmates.